RPM Community Forums

Mailing List Message of <rpm-lsb>

Re: The state of LSB Packaging?

From: Jeff Johnson <n3npq@mac.com>
Date: Thu 20 May 2010 - 16:53:43 CEST
Message-id: <E5568779-403E-4613-B921-77D85DB2ABB9@mac.com>

On May 20, 2010, at 10:28 AM, Denis Washington wrote:

> Simple in that
> 1. it only consists of a very small set of C functions (essentially register+unregister, plus a few to assemble the package metadata) which don't require any other library to be used

Well, here's the existing (and SIMPLE) register/unregister API in RPM
stripped to a bare-bones invocation:

	rpmdb db = ...;		/* database handle */
	Header h = ...;		/* package metadata encapsulation */
	uint32_t hdrNum = ...;	/* package instance # in database. */

	int rc = rpmdbAdd(db, time(NULL), Header h, NULL);

	int rc = rpmdbRemove(db, time(NULL), hdrNum, NULL);

The only complexity there is in finding the API gozzintas, the API itself is already SIMPLE.

I only mention to underscore Yet Again that is the data and context, not the API,
that aren't SIMPLE. I wouldn't even discuss the register/unregister API per se,
because its the data and the context, not the methods, that isn't SIMPLE.

>> But if you can devise some reasonable spewage for encapsulating "package"
>> data, I'll try to embed your API @rpm5.org.
> Great to hear.

Just to try to be optimistic:
	Show me some code and I'll try to use it.

73 de Jeff
Received on Thu May 20 16:54:43 2010
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