RPM Community Forums

Mailing List Message of <rpm-users>

Re: functionality opposite to --excludepath

From: Jeffrey Johnson <n3npq@me.com>
Date: Wed 22 Jan 2014 - 03:55:19 CET
Message-id: <8CB448F0-2C02-49F8-9E51-EF97D37CA802@me.com>

On Jan 21, 2014, at 9:42 PM, Rajul Bhavsar <rajulbhavsar@gmail.com> wrote:

> Easiest way to extract some files is likely to use cpio(1) options.
> E.g.
>         rpm2cpio somepackage.rpm | cpio -dim
> will extract all files.
> >>> Is this extraction can be specified as part of rpm installation? If it is not then it will be of less use for current functionality we are looking for, as we want to query rpmdb for various information about installed packages. 

RPM is a package, not a file, manager.

The idea of “partial packages” using either —exclude or—include based
on prefixes (or *RE patterns) leads to complexities such as

	Should the “partial package” specification be persistent?

Instead of asking for file management, split the files into sub-packages, and
install compete sub-packages instead of asking for “partial package” management.

Sure I understand your need.

Do you understand the difference between package and file management?

73 de Jeff
Received on Wed Jan 22 03:55:24 2014
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