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Mailing List Message of <rpm-users>

hard-linked files handling by rpm

From: Rajul Bhavsar <rajulbhavsar@gmail.com>
Date: Tue 21 Jan 2014 - 09:03:41 CET
Message-ID: <CAHNGuEPZwAhGCo2U_z8-Nz-JE4rCn+HatV4+dST=tiKq-2TGaQ@mail.gmail.com>

In my build root directory, I have created a file (say temp.txt) and then I
created a hard-link to it (say temp1.txt). After this, I created rpm out of
build root directory. On installing this rpm I see that i-node numbers of
both files are same; that means rpm is aware of this hard-link and creating
the same on rpm installation.

But, I am not able to understand how rpm has treated this hard-link with a
.rpm file.
For example, I have a file with 5k size. On duplicating it, rpm size
increased by ~2.5k but with hard-link it increased by 1.9k. What is this
1.9k? Is this totally a metadata about hard-link or something else?

Please help me in understanding this hard-link handling.

Received on Tue Jan 21 09:34:35 2014
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